Weekly Schedule

Back in 2013, we decided to sell everything we owned and purchased one-way tickets to Europe. We embarked on the adventure of our lifetimes that lasted for the better part of a decade. Beginning in London, we made our way around Western, Central, and Eastern Europe, into the Middle East, on to Southeastern Asia, and continued to Australia and New Zealand. Some of our stops were for mere days, others lasted weeks, months, and even years. We met many interesting characters that became life-long friends and fell in love with the multitude of cultures and cuisines we came across along the way. This adventure dramatically changed our lives. We have returned and begun another adventure into entrepreneurship. Our business, Nomads, strives to share our culinary experiences abroad with you here at home in Tidewater Virginia.
Contact Us

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Contact us:
Comments, questions, and inquiries should be sent to our email, at nomadsfoodtruckva@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Brandon & Mike
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